Resident Update: Trail Lighting

Aug 10, 2021

The Board of Directors for Willow Point Municipal Utility District (Willow Point MUD) values the safety of all its residents and visitors. In an effort to maintain this high regard of safety, proper lighting along the walking paths and trails has become of upmost importance. In recent weeks, it has come to the attention of the District that the lighting has not been working to its optimal performance.

The lighting along the trails has been reassessed and evaluated. It has been determined by our service provider the solar panels were not fully charging and put a hinderance on their effectiveness. Therefore, the decision has been made to temporarily disconnect and shut down all lighting while the solar panels and batteries become fully charged. Once the panels are fully charged, the lighting will be reinstated and should cycle properly in charged and lit states. This is anticipated to occur on Saturday morning, August 14th, with the expectation of them working properly by the end of the weekend.

While we realize this may be an inconvenience to our residents and visitors, this should be a temporary impact and should correct the ongoing lighting issues the Board has been monitoring.

If you have any questions about the current maintenance to the lighting along the trails, please feel free to reach out to the District via the Contact Us page on the District Website.