Larry's Toolbox

Water Conservation and Willow Point MUD Residents

Willow Point Municipal Utility District (Willow Point MUD), in conjunction with the North Fort Bend Water Authority and Larry the Talking Sprinkler, brings you a summary of District efforts and tips for water conservation.

Larry’s Toolbox was created to incentivize MUDs to conserve water,” says the NFBWA. The program consists of 11 initiatives, each worth a set number of points. If a MUD participates in enough point-earning initiatives, they will receive a discounted water rate the following year. As part of this collaboration, there are different programs in place for the district to practice or promote water conservation in the District.

As a resident, what can I do?

  • Sign up for a free W.I.S.E. Guys irrigation system evaluation! A licensed irrigator will inspect your irrigation system and make improvement recommendations that will elevate the system’s performance. In addition to this evaluation, residents will receive educational tips on proper controller scheduling and efficient irrigation. By signing up for this free service, you will also be entered into a monthly prize drawing! Click here to sign up!
  • Educate yourself on water conservation and your water bill. Willow Point MUD distributes conservation information in conjunction with your water bill throughout the year. Each water bill also has historical usage information to show residents how their water use has changed over time. The highest water users also receive a separate notification. Overall, education and awareness of the water we use helps prevent water loss due to leaks or other causes.
  • Take advantage of Resident Water Conservation Rebates - Upgrade your home or irrigation system with a qualifying Water Sense or ENERGY STAR item and receive up to a 50% rebate on your bill. Click here for a rebate!

What is Willow Point MUD doing about water conservation?

As a District, Willow Point MUD participates in several water conservation initiatives. Such as:

  • Native Planting initiatives with residents in the District, with scheduled informational events
  • Landscaping irrigation evaluations and maintenance for the HOA
  • Adopting Effective Tiered Rates to promote conservation
  • Conservation education and public outreach through the District website, bills, community events and more
  • Implementing notification for high water users and advising residents of conservation options

Water conservation is important to the Willow Point MUD Board of Directors. As part of the efforts to increase water conservation within the District, Willow Point MUD occasionally offers promotions such as rain barrel giveaways, leak detection tablet giveaways, educational events, and more. Keep a look out for future giveaways or programs that may be posted on your water bill or at community events!

By simply engaging in the offered water conservation efforts, residents can make a big difference. Together, the District and its residents can work to save water residentially and across the great State of Texas.